Industry News


Analysis of the common problems existing in LED display scre

Industry News 2020-09-14

Light-emitting diode chip technology, which is this kind of semiconductor material, determines the industrial technology of LED display screen, and it is also the core technology of LED. 

Unfortunately, these technologies are only in the hands of a few countries, such as the United States and Japan, and are protected by patents. 

I still remember the "337 investigation" incident a few years ago, which had a great impact on the industry. I hope that we LED people will work together to master the core technology in our own hands. 

Technically, we despise the manufacturability design, and do not pay attention to the matching application of the fixture in the equipment. 

The main purpose of manufacturability design is to study the relationship between the physical characteristics of LED display products and the various parts of the manufacturing system, and apply it to product design in order to integrate the whole manufacturing system for overall optimization and make it more standardized, that is, to standardize and simplify the production process, so as to reduce costs, shorten production time, and improve product manufacturability and work efficiency. 

Now the common phenomenon of LED display enterprises is that there are a lot of production equipment, but there is basically no fixture, which is just the opposite of foreign enterprises. 

The use of matching fixtures can improve the reliability of products and reduce the failure rate of products, so it is an equipment that can not be ignored in the production process.


There is no top-to-bottom technical index decomposition process, lack of design links, lack of reliability index verification process. 

Including physical indicators, electrical indicators, performance indicators, we need to decompose them, start from the details, assist with the reliability index verification method, and formulate corresponding improvement measures and test plans to ensure that the inherent reliability of the LED display screen reaches the level. 

For a large number of electronic manufacturing standards, turn a blind eye, and even think that there is no standard specification in the LED display industry. 

In fact, "LED display screen General Specification", "LED display screen Test method" and local standards have always existed, each LED display screen enterprises should pay attention to production according to the standard, according to the standard inspection, so as to improve the technical level of the whole industry.